Job error: 'Exit_status = -2'

  1. Try running this command $PBS_EXEC/unsupported/pbs_dtj 38822
  2. re-install PBS MOM on that node , check whether the logs are written or check whether logs are redirected to syslogs in your exsiting setup or other
  3. Looks like you are using cluster management system (by the looks of your /etc/pbs.conf )
  • make sure hostname resolution is correct / firewall / seliinux etc
  • Interactive Job errors out with 'apparently deleted'
  • kill the PBS MOM on the compute node and start it with strace -o /tmp/mom.txt $PBS_EXEC/sbin/pbs_mom
  • strace qsub -I -l walltime=08:00:00 -l host=node0047 -q def-devel
  • then try to look into strace information and analyze