- Thanks for reverting back the “job_end” into “enjob”.
- For 1d, I’m confused. what got changed? And can you point me to the UCR link? The design doc must be explicit as to what really is set when an accept() happens. If there’s nothing that is allowed to be set inside the resv_confirm hook (i.e. pbs.event().resv.<attribute_name> = <new_value>), then just point that out.
- In regards to the error messages, maybe I wasn’t being clear. You have 3 separate error messages that in code, would actually be just one:
Interface 1:
qmgr obj=h1 svr=default: invalid argument (resvtest) to event.
Should be one or more of: queuejob,modifyjob,resvsub,movejob,runjob,provision,periodic,resv_confirm,execjob_begin,execjob_prologue,execjob_epilogue,execjob_preterm,execjob_end,exechost_periodic,execjob_launch,exechost_startup or execjob_attach for no event.
Interface 2:
Should be one or more of: queuejob,modifyjob,resvsub,movejob,runjob,provision,periodic,resv_end,execjob_begin,execjob_prologue,execjob_epilogue,execjob_preterm, execjob_end,exechost_periodic,execjob_launch,exechost_startup or execjob_attach for no event.
Interface 3:
Should be one or more of: queuejob,modifyjob,resvsub,movejob,runjob,provision,periodic,endjob,execjob_begin,execjob_prologue,execjob_epilogue,execjob_preterm, execjob_end,exechost_periodic,execjob_launch,exechost_startup or execjob_attach for no event.
I mean these all collapse into one:
Should be one or more of:
queuejob,modifyjob,resvsub,movejob,runjob,provision,periodic,execjob_begin,execjob_prologue,execjob_epilogue,execjob_preterm, execjob_end,exechost_periodic,execjob_launch,exechost_startup,endjob,resv_confirm,resv_end or execjob_attach for no event.