Connection refused errno 111

I just installed openpbs and typed


but it returned

Connection refused
qsub: cannot connect to server songyi719-Thinkpad-X1-Extreme-2nd (errno=111)

server and client is same computer, and firewall is off.

When I typed sudo /etc/init.d/pbs status, it returned

pbs_server is not running
pbs_mom is not running
ps_sched is pid 955875
pbs_comm is not running

I typed sudo /etc/init.d/pbs start, and it returned

Starting PBS
/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_comm ready (pid=969486), Proxy Name:songyi719-thinkpad-x1-extreme-2nd:17001, Threads:4
PBS comm
PBS mom
PBS scheduler already running.
pgrep: cannot allocate 4611686018427387903 bytes
Connecting to PBS dataservice…connected to PBS dataservice@songyi719-ThinkPad-X1-Extreme-2nd
Licenses valid for 1000000 Floating hosts
PBS server

and I retyped status, and it showed me same result, and same error occured at qsub.

What can be problem? I’ve changed PBS_START_MOM to 1 at pbs.conf too. Could network setting cause issue even though server and client is same pc?

Please check these:
0. please check pbs_server daemon is up and running ( ps -ef | grep pbs_ )

  1. firewall is turned off
  2. SELinux is disabled and system is rebooted (if you disable it now)
  3. Ports 15001 to 15007 and 17001 is opened between the headnode and compute nodes (vice versa, even if the all the modules are running on one house)
  4. hostname of the pbs server and compute nodes is resolvable via /etc/hosts, DNS (forward and reverse address resolution)

Please share:
output of

  1. hostname and hostname -A commands
  2. /etc/init.d/pbs status or ps -ef | grep pbs_

/etc/pbs.conf is


/etc/hosts is localhost songyi719-ThinkPad-X1-Extreme-2nd

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

output of hostname is


output of hostname -A is also


ps -ef | grep pbs_ output is

songyi7+ 13763 6459 0 13:31 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto pbs_output

firewall is turned off, SELinux is not installed since my system is ubuntu 20.04. I opened all following port.

After I typed sudo /etc/init.d/pbs start, it returned

Starting PBS
/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_comm ready (pid=13950), Proxy Name:songyi719-thinkpad-x1-extreme-2nd:17001, Threads:4
PBS comm
PBS mom
PBS scheduler already running.
pgrep: cannot allocate 4611686018427387903 bytes
Connecting to PBS dataservice…connected to PBS dataservice@songyi719-ThinkPad-X1-Extreme-2nd
Licenses valid for 1000000 Floating hosts
PBS server

And I typed /etc/inti.d/pbs status, and it returned

pbs_server is not running
pbs_mom is not running
pbs_sched is pid 1616
pbs_comm is not running

but it showed same error

I solved the problem.

I edited IP address at /etc/hosts to my current IP instead of LoopBack Ip and it is solved… Thanks for help

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