Detecting GPU cores separately

I have configured cgroups with the device subsystem enabled for GPU detection on my new node with 3 GPU cards. PBS only detects 3 ngpus on that node. Is this correct? Is there any way I can set PBS to detect all GPU cores from a graphics card separately? For example, if one graphics card has 3000 GPUs, then with three cards, PBS detects 9000 ngpus available for use?

cgroup config file
    "cgroup_prefix"         : "pbs_jobs",
    "exclude_hosts"         : [],
    "exclude_vntypes"       : ["no_cgroups"],
    "run_only_on_hosts"     : [],
    "periodic_resc_update"  : true,
    "vnode_per_numa_node"   : "vntype in: gpu_node*",
    "online_offlined_nodes" : true,
    "use_hyperthreads"      : true,
    "ncpus_are_cores"       : false,
    "discover_gpus"         : true,
    "manage_rlimit_as"      : true,
    "cgroup" : {
        "cpuacct" : {
            "enabled"            : true,
            "exclude_hosts"      : [],
            "exclude_vntypes"    : []
        "cpuset" : {
            "enabled"            : true,
            "exclude_cpus"       : [],
            "exclude_hosts"      : [],
            "exclude_vntypes"    : [],
            "mem_fences"         : false,
            "mem_hardwall"       : false,
            "memory_spread_page" : false
        "devices" : {
            "enabled"            : "vntype in: gpu_node*",
            "exclude_hosts"      : [],
            "exclude_vntypes"    : [],
            "allow"              : [
                "b *:* rwm",
                "c *:* rwm",
                ["nvidiactl", "rwm", "*"]
        "memory" : {
            "enabled"            : true,
            "exclude_hosts"      : [],
            "exclude_vntypes"    : [],
            "soft_limit"         : false,
            "enforce_default"    : true,
            "exclhost_ignore_default" : false,
            "default"            : "256MB",
            "reserve_percent"    : 0,
            "reserve_amount"     : "1GB"
        "memsw" : {
            "enabled"            : false,
            "exclude_hosts"      : [],
            "exclude_vntypes"    : [],
            "enforce_default"    : true,
            "exclhost_ignore_default" : false,
            "default"            : "0B",
            "reserve_percent"    : 0,
            "reserve_amount"     : "0B"
pbsnodes -aSjv
                                                              mem       ncpus   nmics   ngpus
vnode           state           njobs      run     susp       f/t        f/t     f/t     f/t   jobs
--------------- --------------- ------    -----    ------  ----------- ------- ------- ------- -------
node1            free             0         0        0     0 b/0 b       0/0       0/0     0/0 --
node1[0]         free             0         0        0     100gb/100gb   32/32     0/0     2/2 --
node1[1]         free             0         0        0     100gb/100gb   32/32     0/0     1/1 --

Yes correct

No, there isn’t a way.

If there is a application that can use gpu cores of a graphics card , then it might be possible to define a customer resourc gpucores [ I have not found any such use cases or applications using gpucores (like cpu cores), so this is based on assumption] .

It would be interesting to know if there is any such solution.

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