Hi there,
I am trying to install a OpenPBS over RockyLinux. There are two servers and a client (VMs with RL 8.6) and a MoM (physical machine with RL 8.7; I can put 8.6 but not immediatly; installatio of OS wasn’s in my control). I am playing around with options and configuration and thus I restart the scheduling cycle sometimes. Often, but not always, I get this errors:
05/02/2023 11:16:36;0001;pbs_sched;Svr;pbs_sched;Scheduler already connected (15230) in open_server_conns, Couldn't register the scheduler default with connected server
05/02/2023 11:16:43;0001;pbs_sched;Svr;pbs_sched;Invalid request (15004) in open_server_conns, Couldn't register the scheduler default with connected server
which forces me to do a systemctl restart pbs (which would be disruptive in a production environment). I cannot find error code 15230 while 15004 seems a bit generic. This often caused when I enable/disable the cgroups hook following a modification in settings.