How to aggregate heterogeneous entire clusters into “one big cluster” for cross-cluster job submission

The information disposed by qmgr -c "p s " , pbsnodes -av , qstat -fx , qstat -anws1 are in the memory.
Any other attributes you change on any object is stored in database immediately - like form qmgr
Node states are not updated in the database, since they are transient in nature, it is not stored in the database.

  1. you can get the real time job information by running qstat -fx , tracejob , pbs_dtj
  2. You can use the PBS Libraries and develop code which suits your requirement , plese follow the guide High-performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud Solutions | Altair

Most of the Cluster management system have PBS Pro OSS integrated. Could you please explain what you would like to achieve, so that other experienced community members might contribute their suggestions.