Issue with submitting a job in Open PBS

Hello Everyone.!
After Submitting a job its automatically went to Queue state.Could you please help to resolve this?

Please share the output of the below commands:

  • qstat -answ1
  • pbsnodes -av

It shows an invalid option.

[root@delta-cluster ~]# qstat -answ1
qstat: invalid option – ‘w’
qstat [-f [-1]] [-W site_specific] [-x] [ job_identifier… | destination… ]
qstat [-a|-i|-r|-e] [-u user] [-n [-1]] [-s] [-t] [-G|-M] [-R] [job_id… | destination…]
qstat -Q [-f [-1]] [-W site_specific] [ destination… ]
qstat -q [-G|-M] [ destination… ]
qstat -B [-f [-1]] [-W site_specific] [ server_name… ]
qstat -t
[root@delta-cluster ~]# pbsnodes -av
pbsnodes: invalid option – ‘v’
usage: pbsnodes [-{c|d|l|o|p|r}] [-s server] [-n] [-N “note”] [-q] node …
pbsnodes [-{a|x}] [-s server] [-q] [node]

Could you please tell me how to restart the PBS service?
Centos version is 6.2

Is it possible you are running a very old version of PBS? What does “which qsub” report? What RPM is it part of (“rpm -qf path_to_qsub”)

Could you please share the output of the below commands:

qstat --version
pbs-config --version

[root@delta-cluster ~]# qstat --version
version: 3.0.2
[root@delta-cluster ~]# pbs-config --version
[root@delta-cluster ~]#


it seems you are not running the openpbs distribution , but might be running version of torque.
Please check:

Okay, Could you please tell me how to restart the pbs service in torque?

Please follow this link:

Please check the man pages for