Multisched can't work,Job always in Q state

I have 2 nodes,g09r4n[07-08],and configure multisected in the following order:
(1)qmgr -c “set node g09r4n08 partition=test01”
(2)qmgr -c “create queue test01 queue_type=E”
qmgr -c “set queue test01 started=true”
qmgr -c “set queue test01 enabled=true”
(3)qmgr -c “create sched multisched_1”
(4)qmgr -c "set sched multisched_1 partition=tetst01
(5)qmgr -c ‘set sched multisched_1 scheduling=1’
(6)pbs_sched -I multisched_1 -S 15555

then I submit job to the test01 queue:

qsub -q test01

the job always in state Q.

View the status of the scheduler, state of multisched_1 is down:
[root@g09r4n07 server_logs]# qmgr
Max open servers: 49
Qmgr: list sched
Sched default
sched_host = g09r4n07
pbs_version = 20.0.0
sched_cycle_length = 00:20:00
sched_port = 15004
sched_priv = /var/spool/pbs/sched_priv
sched_log = /var/spool/pbs/sched_logs
scheduling = True
scheduler_iteration = 600
state = idle
preempt_queue_prio = 150
preempt_prio = express_queue, normal_jobs
preempt_order = SCR
preempt_sort = min_time_since_start
log_events = 767
server_dyn_res_alarm = 30

Sched multisched_1
sched_cycle_length = 00:20:00
partition = tetst01
sched_priv = /var/spool/pbs/sched_priv_multisched_1
sched_log = /var/spool/pbs/sched_logs_multisched_1
scheduling = True
scheduler_iteration = 600
state = down
preempt_queue_prio = 150
preempt_prio = express_queue, normal_jobs
preempt_order = SCR
preempt_sort = min_time_since_start
log_events = 767
server_dyn_res_alarm = 30

there are some error in /var/spool/pbs/server_logs/20221013:
10/13/2022 14:51:35;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:35;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:37;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:37;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:39;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:39;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:41;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:41;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:43;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:43;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:45;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:45;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:47;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler
10/13/2022 14:51:47;0001;Server@g09r4n07;Svr;Server@g09r4n07;Operation now in progress (115) in contact_sched, Could not contact Scheduler

so how should i do to let the multisched work?

Two problems
The main problem is you didn’t set sched_port on sched test01. The reason the server can’t connect to it is it doesn’t know where to find it.

Once that is fixed and the scheduler is up, you’ll find that you still won’t run jobs because you didn’t set the partition on the queue. It doesn’t matter what the queue name is. It matters that you set the partition attribute on the sched, queue, and nodes to the same thing.


Thank you very much for your reply, but I still have some questions:

For question 1, do I need to point out its port when I create multisected? I found that after using the “qmgr - c” create sched multised_1 "command, There are a lot of messages in the server_ logs/20221014:“ Server@g09r4n07 ; Operation now in progress (115) in contact_ sched, Could not contact Scheduler”;
The command “pbs_sched - I multised_1 - S 15555” I subsequently executed did not solve the problem that the port could not be found;

For question 2, after I created and set queue test01, I used the "*qmgr - c "set queue test01 partition=test01 "*command to associate the queue with the partition. It is omitted above. Or is there a complete tutorial on configuring multisected? I would like to learn about it. Thank you very much.

I specified the port number when I created multisected. The command is: qmgr - c “create sched multised_1 sched_port=15555”, then solve this problem . Thank you very much.