Option to not kick a scheduling cycle through expect in PTL


I have posted an Design Document for adding a parameter in Server.expect method to provide an option not to kick a scheduling cycle when expected output is not found . Please review and provide suggestions.

Design Doc: https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1184759820/Option+to+not+kick+a+scheduling+cycle+through+expect+in+PTL

Looks good to me, thanks for proposing this change.

@visheshh, Design document looks good to me. Does this API change trigger adding kicksched parameter to server.status() also ?

@suresht: No this wont add anything into status call.

@visheshh, As we discussed can we add a note to the design document saying that when job_sort_formula is present in the attributes then we still go ahead and kick scheduling cycle.

Hi @suresht, I have added the note and as per @arungrover 's suggestion i have changed the flag name to trigger_sched_cycle.

Thanks for making the change @visheshh. The document looks good to me.