New to openpbs and just setup a pbs server with one pbs node. It took a while for me to figure out opening the ephemeral ports for interactive jobs to work.
My pbs node has ‘resources_available.ncpus = 256’.
When I try ‘qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=8’ I get the command prompt for the pbs worker node.
However, nproc shows 256.
Do interactive job automatically give you the resources for an entire node? Is it possible for 2 different users to have an interactive job on the same worker node sharing the resources (ie: CPUs or Mem)?
Please use the new syntax qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=8 <hit return>
check the output qstat -fx <of this jobid in another terminal> and qstat -answ1
The resource request via qsub for is for the scheduler to find a resource that can satisfy that request.
It would not restrict the user to user 8 cpu cores. If you would like to restrict then you would have to go through advance approach of PBS with Cgroups.
I read up on how to use cgroups with openpbs and added this to the pbs_cgroups.json and qmgr -c “import hook pbs_cgroups application/x-config default pbs_cgroups.json”