I download the latest version of OpenPBS and installed the server DEB file. No errors.
Normal queue commands did not work so I tried:
$ sudo systemctl status pbs.service
This gave the following error:
pbs.service - Portable Batch System
Loaded: loaded (/opt/pbs/libexec/pbs_init.d; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:pbs(8)
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu PBS[1921]: Running /opt/pbs/libexec/pbs_habitat to update it.
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu PBS[1921]: ***
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu PBS[1921]: /opt/pbs/libexec/pbs_habitat: 1: /opt/pbs/libexec/pbs_db_env: found: not found
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu PBS[1921]: dirname: missing operand
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu PBS[1921]: Try ‘dirname --help’ for more information.
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu PBS[1921]: PBS Data Service user postgres does not exist
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu pbs_init.d[1803]: Starting PBS in background
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu pbs_init.d[1923]: Stopping PBS
Jan 20 11:35:32 werkubuntu pbs_init.d[1923]: Waiting for shutdown to complete
Jan 20 11:35:33 werkubuntu systemd[1]: pbs.service: Deactivated successfully.
I have the following system:
CPU: 16-Core AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (-MT MCP-) speed/min/max: 4630/2200/3400 MHz
Kernel: 5.18.0-4mx-amd64 x86_64 Up: 1h 17m Mem: 9983.3/128728.1 MiB (7.8%)
Ram: 128GiB
Storage: 931.51 GiB (17.1% used)
GPU: NVIDIA GA102GL [RTX A6000] driver: nvidia v: 510.85.02
Ubuntu 22 installed
Thanks, any kind help will be much appreciated. I search the Forum but did not find a similar issue?
Best wishes
Gert Kruger