We discovered an issue where cpuset was turned off when we thought it was turned on.
Where would that type of change be logged so we can find when it was disabled?
We discovered an issue where cpuset was turned off when we thought it was turned on.
Where would that type of change be logged so we can find when it was disabled?
Are you using the cpuset mom or the cgroups hook to manage cpusets?
Excellent question. We are using the cgroups hooks. I didn’t know about cpuset mom - where can I find documentation about pros/cons of each approach?
Is cpuset mom only available for HPE SGI? It looks like a lot of extra work tbh - seemingly requires a per machine conf?
The future for cpuset support in PBS Pro is the cgroups hook, so I suggest you stick with that. Looking at the cgroups hook, it doesn’t log individual configuration options, even if verbose logging is enabled. It simply sets a bunch of defaults in a Python dictionary and then merges it with whatever is set in the hook configuration file. So the simple answer to your question is that the information is not logged.
That being said (or typed, rather), there are impending updates to the cgroups hook. Some of those updates are likely to impact configuration settings. My suggestion is that you log an issue in GitHub requesting that the configuration settings be logged. https://github.com/PBSPro/pbspro/issues
I do not intend to sound smug with my second suggestion, so my apologies if it comes across as such. The cgroups hook is just that, a hook. It is modifiable if you wish to change it. If you make improvements to the hook, we ask that you contribute them back to the project. In the end, that is your choice. My point being that you can make the hook log anything you want.
Hopefully, that answers your questions. If not, please let us know.
No problems at all, it’s very helpful. HPC software is always large and complex, and I’m really diving in the deep end rather than reading the docs end to end before starting, so any help is appreciated.
I opened an issue on Github as you asked and got an instant response from @bhroam:
Attribute changes done through qmgr are logged in the server log. You’ll see the Type 11 request come in from the person running qmgr followed by the attribute that has changed.
@bhroam is absolutely correct, but I think I misunderstood your question. The cgroup hook has its own configuration settings to alter its behavior. If you modify these settings and use qmgr to update the hook configuration the server will log that a new configuration file has been provided, but it will not indicate which settings have changed. That is true for all hooks that utilize configuration files. If you enable/disable a hook with qmgr, that will be logged by the server as well.