Hi Guys,
We’ve recently upgraded from v19.3 to v20.0.1 and we used to have fairshare that’s based on Account_Name, it does not seem to work in our new grid (v20.0.1) is there any knows issue with that?
pbsfs does report usage of users, e.g. user:roymosko but it does not accumulate usage for the fairshare account names:
here are our server config in sched_config
source /etc/pbs.conf;cat $PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config | grep -v “#” | grep ^[a-zA-Z]
round_robin: False all
by_queue: True all
strict_ordering: false all
help_starving_jobs: false all
backfill_prime: false ALL
prime_exempt_anytime_queues: false
primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_
job_sort_key: “job_priority HIGH” ALL
node_sort_key: “ncpus HIGH unused” ALL
provision_policy: “aggressive_provision”
resources: “ncpus, mem, arch, host, vnode, aoe, eoe, …”
load_balancing: false ALL
smp_cluster_dist: pack
fair_share: true ALL
unknown_shares: 1
fairshare_usage_res: ncpus*walltime
fairshare_entity: Account_Name
fairshare_decay_time: 00:30:00
fairshare_decay_factor: 0.5
preemptive_sched: true ALL
dedicated_prefix: ded
I would aprecaite any help on the subject.