I’m using Ansys Fluent 21.2 on a cluster and use PBS.
Since we need to move to Ubuntu (from CentOS), I need to recompile. Everything works fine, but…
Connection issues.
When I was checking the configs, I found the following odd thing:
Running qmgr -c “list server”:
Server tst1sjbox
server_state = Active
server_host =
scheduling = True
total_jobs = 20
state_count = Transit:0 Queued:0 Held:0 Waiting:0 Running:0 Exiting:0 Begun:0
managers = @*
operators = n@*
default_queue = workq
log_events = 511
mailer = /usr/sbin/sendmail
mail_from = adm
query_other_jobs = True
resources_default.ncpus = 1
default_chunk.ncpus = 1
scheduler_iteration = 600
flatuid = True
resv_enable = True
node_fail_requeue = 310
max_array_size = 10000
pbs_license_min = 0
pbs_license_max = 2147483647
pbs_license_linger_time = 31536000
license_count = Avail_Global:1000000 Avail_Local:1000000 Used:0 High_Use:0
pbs_version = 20.0.0
eligible_time_enable = False
job_history_enable = True
max_concurrent_provision = 5
power_provisioning = False
max_job_sequence_id = 9999999
The problem: my server_host is invalid. It should be
(ubuntuheadv3 is the original name of the image creation.)
How can I change this server_host entry?
I tried “set server tst1sjbox” but that just returns, that I don’t have enough privileges (while I’m running qmgr as root).
When I start a job from Fluent (via Windows GUI) the jobs are started on the nodes, but the connection times out. (MPT Connection Timeout).