Does anyone still using OpenPBS 19.1.3 in CentOS 7.9

Please help to share the installation and configuration of OpenPBS 19.1.3 on CentOS. and suggestions are welcomed. am trying to configure it one of our client who uses CentOS 7.9 in their environment. we got our test environment to test first so am open for new ideas and suggestions.


Please check these links

Thank you adarsh, but we encountered weird behavior that we tried with same VM config same pkg version in different VMs it worked for him but it didnt worked for me. make file is missing for me.

i tried more than 3 times by spawning new vms but still its not working out for me. for the first time i could run make file but service didnt start. after that 3 times couldnt run make

Thank you @sonyappaiah . If you could share the entire protocol and rpm -qa and the debug then community colleagues can look into it.

Hey Thanks adarsh, please find the details