Dynamic Server-level Resources

Hello all,

Did anyone succeed in configuring dynamic resources at the server level (see p254 of the admin guide or here(*)).
When I do a qstat I can see my job requiring the good resource(**), but the scheduler does’nt seem to take it into account and submit the job on the node.

Any Idea?
Thanks in advance

qstat -f

Resource_List.licm = 1777711111111111

comment = Job run at Fri Sep 29 at 14:26 on (…


  1. Define the resources, for example floatlicense
    Qmgr: create resource floatlicense type=long
  2. Write a script, for example serverdyn.pl, that returns the available amount of the resource via stdout, and place it on the server host. For example, it could be placed in /usr/local/bin/serverdyn.pl
  3. Restart the server. See section 5.13.3, “Restart Steps for Custom Resources Defined via resourcedef File”, on page 242.
  4. Configure the scheduler to use the script by adding the resource and the path to the script in the server_dyn_res line of PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config: Linux: server_dyn_res: “floatlicense !/usr/local/bin/serverdyn.pl”
  5. Add the new dynamic resource to the resources: line in PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config:
    resources: “ncpus, mem, arch, […], floatlicense”
  6. Restart the scheduler. See section 5.13.3, “Restart Steps for Custom Resources Defined via resourcedef File”, on page 242.

To request this resource, the job’s resource request would include:
-l floatlicense=

oups, sorry for the noise, re-editing the /var/spool/pbs/sched_priv/sched_config with the res_dyn line did the trick, maybe a bad character in my previous config.

Again, sorry for the noise…