Hello from a new Admin & User

hi Folks,

I recently inherited management of a OpenPBS cluster based off the 18_1_branch
Specifically its 18.1.2. I had multiple questions and concerns not sure if folks here can point me in the right direction.

  1. I am looking for the

    • PBS Professional User’s Guide
    • PBS Professional Administrator’s Guide
      specifically for this version/series preferably in the PDF format (18.1.*)
  2. Our master node is based off 18.1.2, is it possible to upgrade just the compute nodes to 18.1.4 or the latest version in the 18_1_branch ? Will they interoperate ?

  3. We are still on RHEL7 base with 18.1.2, which is now end of life, and I was not able to compile the latest 18_1_branch on RHEL8.
    Any pointers to tweak the source code to compile on RHEL8 ?
    I would prefer to do a clean rpmbuild of all the packages using the spec in the repo, instead of a hacky fix

  4. Any hints if this could be compiled for RHEL9 ?


Please find the details below:


  1. It is recommended to keep the PBS Server and Compute nodes (pbs_mom) on the same major and patch version.

  2. It is better to upgrade your cluster to the latest release

  3. I am not sure about 18.1.2 / 18.1 , but you can give a try with the latest release.