How to assign maximum cores to particular queue?

Please make sure

  1. Please check this documentation on Server and Queue limits
    The below section in the documentation has all the examples: Examples of Setting Server and Queue Limits

  2. You can acl_users / acl_groups to control which queues the users are allowed to submit jobs.
    Also, you can have fine grained custom control by implementing queuejob hook
    in the above guide: search for acl_users , acl_groups , queuejob hook

  3. You need need to write a json parser script, that would parse the output of qstat -fx -F json and get the desired results .

  4. You can use Qlist set. Check the documentation and example at Procedure to Associate Vnodes with Multiple Queues

  5. You can use job sort formula to sort the jobs in which they get scheduled with ncpus has one fo the factor. In the above guide: check job_sort_formula and examples

  6. Please check this documentation on Server and Queue limits
    The below section in the documentation has all the examples: Examples of Setting Server and Queue Limits

Hope this helps