Restrict the use of one node to one queue

Hi all,

I have a cluster with 100 compute nodes and 10 queues.

I would like to assign one compute node to only one queue. That node cannot be available or used by any other queues.

Reading the pbs documentation, I associated the vnode node001 to the exclusive queue like so

set queue exclusive default_chunk.Qlist = exclusiveq
set node node001 resources_available.Qlist = exclusiveq

Which works. However when submitting jobs from other queues, sometimes a job will land on node001.

I could assign all nodes to particular queues however, as our list of nodes increase I was hoping to see if there is a more efficient way to restrict the use of one node to one queue.

Thanks all

Which works. However when submitting jobs from other queues, sometimes a job will land on node001.

Please check and share the qstat -fx
Please check and share the pbsnodes n001 output

Please make sure

  • all the nodes have Qlist list assigned.
  • all the job request has Qlist request - check the qstat -fx

Also, please check whether you have Qlist mentioned in the resources: “…,Qlist” of the $PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config.

I just use something like
set node <nodename> queue = <queuename>

This works, but recommendation is not to use this node mapping, instead use Qlists method of mapping queues to nodes.