Please note: If you do not want the job history and job id sequence , then your migration would be quite straight forward with pbs_diag ( source /etc/pbs.conf ; $PBS_EXEC/unsupported/pbs_diag -f ) output which is tar.gz file saved in the /root folder.
[ You can back up the old $PBS_HOME for your reference ]
- uninstall Pro version
- install OSS version
- migrate the configuration from pbs_diag output
- job id’s will start from 0
You can do this but to maintain your job history and job sequence and configuration, you would still need to take
- backup of $PBS_HOME after upgrading to 19.x and pbs_diag
- take a pgdump of its datastore
- uninstall commercial
- install OSS
- import the data dump
- take it from there