How to list jobs in given time

Can I somehow get list of jobs which was running in given time span?
E.g. I want to know which jobs was running since 01/01/2020 00:00 until 01/03/2020 00:00 (format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM)
Is it possible?


Please try man qselect command for more information

qselect -x

Thank You for information about qselect command.

In my case, command that working is:
qselect -x

Information from manual about datetime format and s and e time options:

The date and time argument has the format:
where the MM is the two digits for the month, DD is the day of the month, hh is the hour, mm is the minute, and the optional SS is the seconds. CC is the century and YY the year.

           s       stime           Timestamp; time the job started.
                                   Updated when job is restarted.  Printed
                                   by qstat in human-readable format.
                                   Output in hooks as seconds since epoch.
           e       etime           Timestamp; time when job became
                                   eligible to run, i.e. was enqueued in
                                   an execution queue and was in the "Q"
                                   state.  Reset when a job moves queues,
                                   or is held then released.  Not affected
                                   by qaltering.  Printed by qstat in
                                   human-readable format.  Output in hooks
                                   as seconds since epoch.
