Intallation Of PBS

I installed PBS on my PC using the instructions given in the github link. But when I start PBS below is the response

Starting PBS
/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_comm ready (pid=22650), Proxy Name:muzi:17001, Threads:4
PBS comm
PBS mom
PBS scheduler already running.
pgrep: cannot allocate 4611686018427387903 bytes
Connecting to PBS dataservice…connected to PBS dataservice@MUZI
Licenses valid for 1000000 Floating hosts
PBS server

But the commands like pbs_mom don’t work.
Is it an issue with my installation or anything else.

pbs_mom is the PBS Execution service that runs on a compute node and is started if PBS_START_MOM=1 in the /etc/pbs.conf.

You can get more information by looking at the man pages for pbs_mom ( e.g., man pbs_mom ).

Some basic commands are qstat, qmgr , qsub , qdel etc ( man qsub , man qstat for help pages).
You can also browse the PBS Pro documentation at this page Altair Product Documentation - Altair Community

To check whether PBS Services are running:
ps -ef | grep pbs_
/etc/init.d/pbs status
systemctl status pbs

Depends on the services that are enabled in /etc/pbs.conf
e.g., where all services are enabled/started