Node-level resource not taking effect

Please note ,

  • Qlist should be added to the $PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config 's resources: line
    resources: “ncpus,aoe,vnodes, …,Qlist”

  • Once the sched_config is modified, kill -HUP < PID of the PBS Scheduler >

  • Qlist is a host-level and hence it should be part of the chunk statement as below

qsub -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=10mb:Qlist=n24 – /bin/sleep 100

Should be updated to

#PBS -N test-hold-128
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=24:Qlist=n24_128
#PBS -q maintaince
/bin/sleep 1000000

Thank you