Hi, Can any one have idea on this?
root@kmaster1 datastore]# tail /var/spool/pbs/server_logs/20190416
04/16/2019 11:59:21;0002;Server@kmaster1;Svr;Server@kmaster1;PBS dataservice not running:[Connection: failed: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host “” and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 15007?]
04/16/2019 11:59:22;0002;Server@kmaster1;Svr;Server@kmaster1;pbs_status_db exit code 1
04/16/2019 11:59:32;0002;Server@kmaster1;Svr;Server@kmaster1;Starting PBS dataservice
04/16/2019 11:59:43;0002;Server@kmaster1;Svr;Server@kmaster1;PBS dataservice not running:[Connection: failed: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host “” and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 15007?]
04/16/2019 11:59:43;0002;Server@kmaster1;Svr;Server@kmaster1;pbs_status_db exit code 1
04/16/2019 11:59:53;0002;Server@kmaster1;Svr;Server@kmaster1;Starting PBS dataservice
[root@kmaster1 datastore]#
[root@kmaster1 ~]# service pbs restart
Restarting PBS
Stopping PBS
Killing Server.
PBS server - was pid: 4956
PBS sched - was pid: 3583
PBS comm - was pid: 3322
Waiting for shutdown to complete
Starting PBS
PBS comm
/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_comm ready (pid=5310), Proxy Name:kmaster1.calligotech.com:17001, Threads:4
Creating usage database for fairshare.
PBS sched
Connecting to PBS dataservice…Failed to start PBS dataservice
.Failed to start PBS dataservice
…Failed to start PBS dataservice
continuing in background.
PBS server
[root@kmaster1 ~]#
and i tested psql connection, as shown below
[root@kmaster1 datastore]# psql -h -U postgres
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host “” and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
[root@kmaster1 datastore]#
Also check whether firewall services are not blocking port 15001 to 15007 and SELinux is disabled (and system was rebooted). The service user account should have a home directory ( “pbsdata” user account)
Thanks for your help … i am able to run pbs server and added compute node also.
can you please help me know how do i change PBS_EXEC directory path while installing (yum install pbspro-server-19.1.1-0.x86_6.rpm) pbs server. By default PBS_EXEC path is /opt/pbs.
Actually, i am installing Pbspro CE on Cluster Environment. So, i want to make pbs_exec path as /share/apps/pbs.
And, when i test the job from ‘pbsdata’ user, my job is going on hold.
[pbsdata@kmaster1 ~]$ echo sleep 7 | qsub
[pbsdata@kmaster1 ~]$ qstat -ans
Req’d Req’d Elap
Job ID Username Queue Jobname SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time
0.kmaster1 pbsdata workq STDIN – 1 1 – – H –
job held, too many failed attempts to run
1.kmaster1 pbsdata workq STDIN – 1 1 – – H –
job held, too many failed attempts to run
I have tried to remove the job and rerun, still the job is going on HOLD state. Can you please help me on this.