There is a problem with running PBS
Installed on a clean virtual machine CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 pbspro_19.1.1.centos7.zip
service pbs start
Starting PBS
/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_comm ready (pid=4593), Proxy Name:localhost:17001, Threads:4
PBS comm
PBS mom
Creating usage database for fairshare.
PBS sched
Connecting to PBS dataservice…Failed to start PBS dataservice
.Failed to start PBS dataservice
…Failed to start PBS dataservice
continuing in background.
PBS server
service pbs status
pbs_server is pid 6045
pbs_mom is not running
pbs_sched is not running
pbs_comm is not running
/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_dataservice start
Starting PBS Data Service…
grep: /var/spool/pbs/spool/pg_start.log: No such file or directory
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0002;Comm@localhost;Svr;Comm@localhost;/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_comm ready (pid=4593), Proxy Name:localhost:17001, Threads:4
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0c06;Comm@localhost;TPP;alloc_router(Main Thread);Failed to resolve address, pbs_comm=localhost:17001
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0001;Comm@localhost;Svr;Comm@localhost;main, tpp init failed
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0002;pbs_mom;n/a;set_restrict_user_maxsys;setting 999
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0002;pbs_mom;n/a;read_config;max_check_poll = 120, min_check_poll = 10
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0001;pbs_mom;Svr;pbs_mom;pbsd_main, Could not find any usable IP address for host localhost
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0006;pbs_sched;Fil;pbs_sched;Version 19.1.1, started, initialization type = 0
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0002;pbs_sched;Svr;main;/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_sched startup pid 4612
05/22/2019 05:34:41;0001;pbs_sched;Svr;pbs_sched;pbsd_main, Could not find any usable IP address for host localhost.localdomain
05/22/2019 05:50:39;0002;Server@localhost;Svr;Server@localhost;pbs_status_db exit code 1
05/22/2019 05:50:49;0002;Server@localhost;Svr;Server@localhost;Starting PBS dataservice
05/22/2019 05:51:00;0002;Server@localhost;Svr;Server@localhost;PBS dataservice not running:[Connection: failed: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host “” and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 15007?]