PBS_est hook enable fails


I am attempting to enable the PBS job time estimation hook as documented in the PBS Admin Guide (https://pbsworks.com/pdfs/PBSAdminGuide14.2.pdf) on page AG-117/118 but I’m receiving an error instead:

[~]# qmgr -c ‘set pbshook PBS_est enabled = true’
qmgr obj=PBS_est svr=default: PBS_est does not exist!
qmgr: hook error returned from server

Is there some pre-requisite to activating this in-built PBS hook?


Hi @sijisaula,

PBS job time estimation (for non top jobs) is an additional capability available as part of the commercially licensed version of PBS Pro. The full core of PBS Pro is dual-licensed (open source & commercial); additional capabilities (like this one and the full PBS Works tools – web and desktop GUIs for submission and remote visualization, admin tools for cloud bursting, monitoring, reporting, and a workload simulator) are available commercially.

See https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PBSPro/pages/5537831/User+Documentation for differences in the PBS Pro capabilities between the versions.

Contact pbssales@altair.com if you are interested in learning more about the commercial offerings.

Awesome, thanks for the tidbit!