Queue configuration updation

How to update an existing queue configuration in openPBS cluster??

Print exiting queue configuration:

qmgr -c "print queue QUEUENAME

To update exisint queue configuration

qmgr -c "set queue QUEUENAME enabled=true"
qmgr -c "unset queue default_chunk"

Please check the man page for qmgr

Dear Adarsh,
Thank you for your reply.
I am pretty new in HPC and not able to solved that problem by myself.

here I am mentioning the problem. please give a solution for this.

Create and define queue qreg_1day_small

create queue qreg_1day_small
set queue qreg_1day_small queue_type = Execution
set queue qreg_1day_small max_queued = [o:PBS_ALL=50]
set queue qreg_1day_small max_queued += [u:PBS_GENERIC=10]
set queue qreg_1day_small resources_max.ncpus = 127
set queue qreg_1day_small resources_max.nodect = 29
set queue qreg_1day_small resources_max.walltime = 24:00:00
set queue qreg_1day_small resources_min.ncpus = 1
set queue qreg_1day_small resources_min.nodect = 1
set queue qreg_1day_small resources_default.walltime = 24:00:00
set queue qreg_1day_small default_chunk.nodetype = cpunode
set queue qreg_1day_small default_chunk.Qlist = qrs
set queue qreg_1day_small max_run = [o:PBS_ALL=25]
set queue qreg_1day_small max_run += [u:PBS_GENERIC=5]
set queue qreg_1day_small enabled = True
set queue qreg_1day_small started = True

a) How to change max_run =[0:PBS_ALL=25] to max_run =[0:PBS_ALL=75] ??

b) And are those jobs which are in R state and Q state of that mentioned queue going to be affected during updation ??

You are welcome and thank you .

qmgr -c "set queue qreg_1day_small max_run ='[o:PBS_ALL=75],[u:PBS_GENERIC=5]'"

No they would not be affected and any configuration done via qmgr does not require any pbs restart

hope this helps

Dear Adarsh,

It helps a lot.
Thank you for all the support.

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