Hello All,
I created one queue in azure HPC and want to attach specific slot type to that queue so that only jobs with requesting the that slot type will run in this queue.
Is their any queue attribute that can be used or any other way to implement.
Thank you in advance.
July 12, 2023, 6:33am
Please check Routing queues.
If you would like jobs submitted to that queue go to speciific nodes, then check Qlists
It is a not a good configuration to hardcode node to the queue ( qmgr -c “set node queue=” ) , instead use Qlists.
qmgr -c "create resource nodetype type=string_array,flag=h"
add “nodetype” to the sched_config’s resources: “…,nodetype” line and kill -HUP
qmgr -c “s q normal default_chunk.nodetype=normal”
qmgr -c “s q large default_chunk.nodetype=large”
qmgr -c “s q xlarge default_chunk.nodetype=xlarge”
qmgr -c “s q xxlarge default_chunk.nodetype=xxlarge”
for i in norma…
We have PBS cluster with a route queue and 4 execution queues. The load_balancing: true ALL in /var/spool/pbs/sched_priv/sched_config but jobs only run in 2 execution queues (xeon1700s/w). No jobs are running in xeon1800s/w execution queues. Please help to detect configuration issue. We have PBS Pro 14.0 installed in the environment.
The goal is to loadbalance jobs across xeon1700s/xeon1800s and xeon1700w/xeon1800w based on how many CPU requested per job
Route Queue - xeon1600