Back up. Running as a user has set the reservation. In which I discover that the nodes=<nodename> syntax means I’ve got a reservation with 1ncpu and 1GB RAM. So, no, that syntax doesn’t work.
The contemporary documentation isn’t really clear about this, but I’ve found some torque docs from moons ago that explains that every resource needs to be explicitly stated, confirming the SO post in the original question.
Despite the documentation clearly showing that the format required is -R for start time in 24 hour format and -E for end in 24 hour format:
pbs_rsub -R 0800 -E 1000
What have I done wrong?
According to the documented errors (UG-145 or 1691 in the Big Book) “pbs_rsub: Bad time specification(s)” means:
Problem with the start and/or end time of the reservation, such as:
• Given start time is earlier than current date and time
• Missing start time or end time
• End time is earlier than start time
are you submitting the reservation in between 0900 and 1600? If you are, ical will convert 0900 to tomorrow’s 9am, and the reservation submission fails because the start time is past the endtime.
To get around this, you can use the datetime format, like so: