Viewable estimated.soft_walltime?

I’ve set a hook to add a default soft_walltime to each job (with some checking included to validate that it doesn’t exceed hard walltime). How can i check that soft_walltime is actually working? The PBS Admin Guide says this (4.9.44 in 20.0.1)

“PBS estimates a new soft walltime, and records the estimate in the job’s estimated.soft_walltime attribute. The estimated.soft_walltime job attribute is readable by all, but writable only by PBS.”

estimated.soft_walltime is not added to the job attributes when the job is overrunning the soft_walltime. How can i make this viewable to users?

[pbsdata@hn ~]$ qsub -l select=1:ncpus=1 -l walltime=10:00:00 -- /bin/sleep 10000

[pbsdata@hn ~]$ qstat -f 1002 | grep -i walltime
    resources_used.walltime = 00:00:10
    Resource_List.walltime = 10:00:00
    Submit_arguments = -l select=1:ncpus=1 -l walltime=10:00:00 -- /bin/sleep 1

[pbsdata@hn ~]$ exit

[root@hn ~]# qalter -l soft_walltime=02:00:00  1002

[root@hn ~]# su - pbsdata

[pbsdata@hn ~]$ qstat -f 1002 | grep -i walltime
    resources_used.walltime = 00:00:26
    Resource_List.soft_walltime = 02:00:00
    Resource_List.walltime = 10:00:00
    Submit_arguments = -l select=1:ncpus=1 -l walltime=10:00:00 -- /bin/sleep 1

  1. If the job has a soft_walltime=02:00:00, no hard walltime set, then if the job exceeds its soft_walltime, then job is extended by its orignal soft_walltime, totalling to 04:00:00, and if the job exceeds again, then total is 06:00:00 and so on, job would not be killed
  2. If the job has soft_walltime=01:00:00 and hard walltime=01:30:00 , job has exceeded its soft_walltime, then job will be terminated once the hard walltime is exceeded.

If the user runs qstat -f or manager/root user runs qstat -f , details of soft_walltime would be visible.

Thanks, i was able to get it to show up after restarting the PBS server.