Dedicated_time bug in 22.05.11?

I’ve got an empty /var/spool/pbs/sched_priv/dedicated_time file, yet when I submit a test job, it will not run due to “Dedicated Time”.

07/19/2022 16:48:36;0100;pbs_sched;Svr;;It is primetime. It will never end
07/19/2022 16:48:36;0040;pbs_sched;Job;10.pbs02;Dedicated Time
07/19/2022 16:48:36;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

[root@pbs02 sched_priv]# pwd
[root@pbs02 sched_priv]# cat dedicated_time
[root@pbs02 sched_priv]#

I’ve also tried setting dedicated_time to some time in the past and some time in the future but get same result. I’ve HUP’d the sched daemon and also restarted PBS. No change.

Any ideas?


Please share the contents of your dedicated time file .

The dedicated_time file is empty.

[root@pbs02 sched_priv]# cat dedicated_time
[root@pbs02 sched_priv]#

I submit a job that never starts:

[coreyf@master ~]$ qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=20:mem=250gb
qsub (Warning): Interactive jobs will be treated as not rerunnable
qsub: waiting for job 23.pbs02 to start

From the sched_log:

07/20/2022 06:25:52;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle

07/20/2022 06:25:52;0100;pbs_sched;Svr;;It is primetime. It will never end

07/20/2022 06:25:52;0040;pbs_sched;Job;23.pbs02;Dedicated Time

07/20/2022 06:25:52;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

I was able to narrow the bug down to 3 lines in the sched_config file. Six tests are shown here with the result. After each sched_config file change pbs was restarted. The dedicated_time file is empty.

You should be able to reproduce this too. I was using a fresh installation of OpenPBS with default configuration.

The test job is a simple “qsub -I”, default queue is “workq” as defined by the fresh install.

TEST 1. sched_config:

#dedicated_prefix: ded
#primetime_prefix: p_
#nonprimetime_prefix: np_

Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 10:40:39;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:40:39;0040;pbs_sched;Job;7.pbs03;Dedicated Time
07/20/2022 10:40:39;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

TEST 2. sched_config:

dedicated_prefix: ded
#primetime_prefix: p_
#nonprimetime_prefix: np_

Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 10:20:42;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:20:42;0040;pbs_sched;Job;4.pbs03;Job only runs in nonprimetime
07/20/2022 10:20:42;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

TEST 3. sched_config:

dedicated_prefix: ded
primetime_prefix: p_
#nonprimetime_prefix: np_

Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 10:35:55;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:35:55;0040;pbs_sched;Job;5.pbs03;Job only runs in nonprimetime
07/20/2022 10:35:55;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

TEST 4. sched_config:

dedicated_prefix: ded
#primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_

Result: Job runs
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0080;pbs_sched;Job;6.pbs03;Considering job to run
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0040;pbs_sched;Job;6.pbs03;Job run
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

TEST 5. sched_config:

dedicated_prefix: ded
primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_

Result: Job runs
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0080;pbs_sched;Job;8.pbs03;Considering job to run
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0040;pbs_sched;Job;8.pbs03;Job run
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle

TEST 6. sched_config:

#dedicated_prefix: ded
primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_

Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 13:23:07;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 13:23:07;0040;pbs_sched;Job;11.pbs03;Dedicated Time
07/20/2022 13:23:07;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle