I was able to narrow the bug down to 3 lines in the sched_config file. Six tests are shown here with the result. After each sched_config file change pbs was restarted. The dedicated_time file is empty.
You should be able to reproduce this too. I was using a fresh installation of OpenPBS with default configuration.
The test job is a simple “qsub -I”, default queue is “workq” as defined by the fresh install.
TEST 1. sched_config:
#dedicated_prefix: ded
#primetime_prefix: p_
#nonprimetime_prefix: np_
Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 10:40:39;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:40:39;0040;pbs_sched;Job;7.pbs03;Dedicated Time
07/20/2022 10:40:39;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle
TEST 2. sched_config:
dedicated_prefix: ded
#primetime_prefix: p_
#nonprimetime_prefix: np_
Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 10:20:42;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:20:42;0040;pbs_sched;Job;4.pbs03;Job only runs in nonprimetime
07/20/2022 10:20:42;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle
TEST 3. sched_config:
dedicated_prefix: ded
primetime_prefix: p_
#nonprimetime_prefix: np_
Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 10:35:55;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:35:55;0040;pbs_sched;Job;5.pbs03;Job only runs in nonprimetime
07/20/2022 10:35:55;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle
TEST 4. sched_config:
dedicated_prefix: ded
#primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_
Result: Job runs
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0080;pbs_sched;Job;6.pbs03;Considering job to run
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0040;pbs_sched;Job;6.pbs03;Job run
07/20/2022 10:37:15;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle
TEST 5. sched_config:
dedicated_prefix: ded
primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_
Result: Job runs
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0080;pbs_sched;Job;8.pbs03;Considering job to run
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0040;pbs_sched;Job;8.pbs03;Job run
07/20/2022 10:47:23;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle
TEST 6. sched_config:
#dedicated_prefix: ded
primetime_prefix: p_
nonprimetime_prefix: np_
Result: Job does not run
07/20/2022 13:23:07;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Starting Scheduling Cycle
07/20/2022 13:23:07;0040;pbs_sched;Job;11.pbs03;Dedicated Time
07/20/2022 13:23:07;0080;pbs_sched;Req;;Leaving Scheduling Cycle