How to classified compute nodes by node names

i need to classified compute nodes by names during job submission, how to do

i have found no resourcedef file in open source PBS so can i create it or any options


You can use classified compute nodes during job submission and later you can use QUEUEJOB hook to declassify the nodes and submit the job. The node to server and vice versa is based on forward and reverse address resolution, it is bit difficult to keep nodes classified.

resourcedef file would not be there by default, upon creation of custom resources the resourcedef file is created.
qmgr -c “create resources nodetype type=string_array,flag=h”

Thank you

Hi Adarsh,
thanks for reply

i need to submit a 2-node linpak job on 2 of the new nodes and wanted to ensure they are not running on the existing nodes (called company-node-XYZ).

Another use case would be to run a 2 node benchmarks, which i need to run multiple times on the same pair of nodes.
In LSF and UGE you have the chance to tell it a selection of node name the job should run on. For example in LSF you can say: run on 2 nodes out of the selection company-01-001 to company-01-018

here the question was more strict: run only on “company-01-001 and company-01-002”

Thank you Depak for this information

  • The best way to achieve this is by tagging the nodes with a custom nodetype tag (string_array, host level resource) for this purpose and setting up the default chunk at the queue level for a new queue called “linpak”
  • create a reservation that uses those new nodes

You can create a reservation which contains those nodes . So you can be guarantied that you have those nodes as long as per your benchmark schedule.

You can use the concept of Qlists here

Create a reservation that would consider those two nodes only.

Some otherways ,

1.  qsub -l host=company-node-XYZ   -- /bin/sleep 100
2.  qsub -l nodes=selected-node1+selected-node2 -- /bin/sleep 100
3   qsub -l select=1:ncpus=20:vnode=node1+1:ncpus=20:vnode=node2 -- /bin/sleep 100
4.  You can use the above with pbs_rsub

Thank you

Thanks Adarsh,
this information is really good

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To add to adarsh’s examples, I think that you can also use a multi-select with the host resource:

qsub -l select=1:ncpus=20:host=company-01-001+1:ncpus=20:host=company-01-002

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yes it is also working

Thanks Gabe.