Hi everyone,
Just to share with the community (I don’t know really how yet), at the HPC cluster in CNES, we have plugged some information coming from PBS into an Elastic stack instance:
- PBS Sever accounting logs: thanks to this, we are able to view some statistics about our users job and cpu hours consumption. I give only a quick glance at PBS analytics, but this seems to be quite the same goal, but with more history capacity and reactivity, and also some real time information.
- qstat and pbsnodes insights: Indexing every five minutes the information from these commands, we are able to have a detailed view of cluster occupation and user behavior.
So as mentionned, I don’t really know how to share this right now, but if somebody is interested, we can think about it !
Here are some screenshot of created Dashboard (sorry, legends in french):
As a new user I can only put one image…