I see that I have:
in the system but not have:
That means that I need older version of libhwloc: 1.11
which is not available in Centos 8 stream repos … ;((
This is a known problem in the OpenHPC community due to changes in recent CentOS 8 distros. It has not yet been resolved to my knowledge. It broke the builds for both SLURM and OpenPBS.
Hi @mkaro ,
No, I was just install a hwloc from sources and then I tried to install rpm package on execution host using rpm -i openpbs-execution*.rpm command. It ends with error.
Should I compile openpbs-execution from tarball, like it is shown in above script? Is there an option to tell configure script that I want to compile openpbs-execution, neither a server nor client version of pbs?
I compiled openpbs from sources but this option was insufficient:
After I provide it configuration script still do not sees libhwloc.so.5 library. When I was change it to:
comfiguration script saw libhwloc.so.5 library but don’t sees headers
So command that working for me is:
However I think that this is a bug of openpbs that when someone is trying install it from rpm package getting an error. An installer search libhwloc.so.5 library which is very old. Modern systems have it newest with newest filename (e.g. libhwloc.so.15). So installer should search just libhwloc.so without a number after that. System has linked this name to actual installed version in that operating system.
Congrats! Glad it worked! If you wouldn’t mind filing an issue on github to flag this bug it would be appreciated. The intent was for it to work as described, but you were able to work around the issue.
It seems to compilation openpbs goes well with hwloc-devel and hwloc-libs packages installed in the system, so I do not need those two parameters when I trying to compile:
and I do not need to compile hwloc from sources,
but I still can not install openpbs from rpm packages because it did not see libhwloc.so.5 library in the system.
Easiest workaround would be to remove the “Requires: hwloc-libs” from openpbs.spec when you build the RPMs. This could cause problems if you install OpenPBS without the required hwloc components, so use with caution. Did the name of the package change in CentOS8?