Please find the solution below:
I am assuming here by groups, you mean LINUX groups ( if that is the case then it is good).
1 Create a custom resource called nodegroup
qmgr -c "create resource nodegroup type=string_array,flag=h"
- edit $PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config
a. add the “nodegroup” to resources: line
resources: “aoe, ncpus, …, nodegroup”
b. update the job_sort_key as below
job_sort_key: “job_priority HIGH all”
Save and Exit
kill -HUP < PID of the PBS Scheduler >
Assign the nodes to the respective groups
for i in “nodes of groupA” ; do qmgr -c “set node $i resources_available.nodegroup=nodegroupA” ; done
for i in “nodes of groupB” ; do qmgr -c “set node $i resources_available.nodegroup=nodegroupB” ; done
for i in “nodes of groupC” ; do qmgr -c “set node $i resources_available.nodegroup=nodegroupC” ; done
for i in “nodes of groupD” ; do qmgr -c “set node $i resources_available.nodegroup=nodegroupD” ; done
- create queues for each group
qmgr -c “create queue groupA,groupB,groupC,groupD queue_type=e,started=t,enabled=t”
qmgr -c “set queue groupA default_chunk.nodegroup=nodegroupA”
qmgr -c “set queue groupB default_chunk.nodegroup=nodegroupB”
qmgr -c “set queue groupC default_chunk.nodegroup=nodegroupC”
qmgr -c “set queue groupD default_chunk.nodegroup=nodegroupD”
- Update and use the below queuejob hook to your requirements :
Update the groupnames assigned to the queues:
Please update the indentation in the below python source:
#1. Save the hook
#2. To deploy the hook as root:
#qmgr -c ‘create hook nodegrouppriority event=queuejob’
#qmgr -c 'import hook nodegrouppriority application/x-python default
#3. To disable the hook as root:
#qmgr -c ‘set hook nodegrouppriority enabled=false’
#4. To delete the hook as root:
#qmgr -c ‘delete hook nodegrouppriority’
import pbs, grp, pwd, os
e = pbs.event()
j = e.job
#Get the username
user = str(e.requestor)
#Get the group name of the user
groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user in g.gr_mem]
gid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_gid
#Get queuename
if j.queue == ‘’:
q = pbs.server()
q =
#Get the groupname based on the queue
if str(q) == “groupA”:
groupname = “groupA”
if str(q) == “groupB”:
groupname = “groupB”
if str(q) == “groupC”:
groupname = “groupC”
if str(q) == “groupD”:
groupname= “groupD”
#Check whether the user belongs to the groupname based
#on the queue the user submitted to and set the priority
if groupname in groups:
#Check the PBS Server logs for these debug messages
pbs.logmsg(pbs.LOG_DEBUG, “USER NAME is %s” % str(user))
pbs.logmsg(pbs.LOG_DEBUG, “QUEUE NAME is %s” % str(q))
pbs.logmsg(pbs.LOG_DEBUG, “GROUP NAME is %s” % groupname)
pbs.logmsg(pbs.LOG_DEBUG, “JOB PRIORITY set to %s” % str(j.Priority))
hope this helps.